Academics » TK (Transitional Kindergarten)

TK (Transitional Kindergarten)

Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
Transitional Kindergarten ("TK") is the first year of a two-year Kindergarten program that uses a modified Kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate. It is a bridge between Preschool and Kindergarten. The program serves four-year-olds born September - December. 

Emphasis is placed on developing oral language skills and providing integrated experiences in language and literacy, social emotional development, mathematics, physical development, the arts, science, social science, and English Language Development. TK uses the same core curriculum as the Kindergarten program, with curricular modifications and developmentally appropriate practices that allow Kindergarten students to meet Common Core and State Content Standard at the end of their two-year program. 

The TK program is child-centered and hands-on, providing students opportunities for exploration. The schedules are flexible, and students learn through play, music, and movement. Emphasis is placed on the learning process, instead of the final product.